Why Is It Rude To Ask A Lady’S Age?

Is it rude to ask a lady her age?

Age does matter and marks significant social and legal milestones, so it’s normal for both women and men to be asked this question considering those circumstances.

But, outside of those important circumstances, there is no other real basis for this question than judging the person and that’s what makes it intrusive..

Is it offensive to ask age?

In short, you should know that asking someone’s age is rude, so you should not ask. If someone does ask you, know that it is completely proper for you to say something like, “That is not information that I wish to share. I’m sure you understand.” Most people will accept your response and change the subject.

Why is asking salary rude?

In the US, it’s generally considered inappropriate / rude / tacky / a bad idea to discuss your income. This is just one of those things that’s drilled into you, like chewing with your mouth closed. Even if someone doesn’t judge you for your salary, they’ll judge you because you’re talking about it.

Is it rude to ask why?

In some contexts, it could be condescending. Here’s several different examples of what “why” adds to the statement. It is easy to sound archaic or condescending, so take care where you use it. Beginning an answer with the word “why” is not inherently rude; the answer could be rude because of its content, of course.

What should you never ask a girl?

Here are 20 questions you should never ask a woman, in no particular order:Can I kiss you? … Why won’t you talk to me? … You look different today, why’s that? … You’re looking tired today, did you not get a good night’s sleep? … I know you’ve got a boyfriend, but can we be friends? … How old are you?More items…

Why is it rude to ask someone their age?

It’s really about context. Unless you’re helping them fill out a medical form, it’s probably not necessary, thus the question is likely to be invasive. It is always rude to ask an adult their age; since you cannot be certain if someone IS an adult, the safest course of action is to refrain from asking.

What do you say when someone asks your age?

A few suggestions:Say politely but as if confused: “Why do you want to know that?”Laugh and say: “Old enough to know better than to answer that question.”Say “How old do you think I am? … Say what we did as kids: “Same age as last year but a year older.”Pretend you didn’t hear.Say nothing and stare at them blankly.

How old are you reply?

It’s fine to say ‘I’m fourteen’. That is the most usual way of answering the question. You can say the long version if you want, but you don’t need to. “I’m fourteen” is fine in an informal and contemporary conversation.

How do you say your age?

The most common ways of asking someone’s age is English is: How old are you? Or How old is your brother/sister?I am 25 years old.I am 25.I am 25 years of age (this is a very formal way of expressing age)I am 25 years. ( … My fried has two sons aged 8 and 10. ( … My friend has a daughter aged 5. (More items…

When a girl ask you how old are you?

Asking someone their age generally means absolutely nothing. She’s more than likely already observed your behavior and just wants to see if your age matches up to your level of maturity. She could be impressed or not impressed depending on your age.

Is it rude to ask a woman her weight?

Even if you think you’re being complimentary, sometimes it’s best to say nothing at all. Just like you should never ask a woman how old she is, you should certainly never ever ask her how much she weighs. … And just like how a woman’s weight is a sensitive topic, so is what she eats.

Why do you never ask a man his salary?

This is because he sacrifices his salary to his family. So,asking his salary is similar to estimating his sacrifice. But sacrifice is a SACRIFICE and it can’t be estimated. So,it is morally wrong to ask men for their salary.

Can a coworker ask your age?

Depending on how they are asked, questions about personal topics, such as marital status, race, and health, can be illegal under federal and some state and local laws. … Questions such as, “What is your age?” “What religion do you practice?” and “Are you a U.S. citizen?” are considered unlawful, among others.

Why would a girl ask how old I am?

It means she’d like to know your age. And it wasn’t a random question, it was a pointed question about you – she really wants to know, because if you are older or younger than she by much, you might not be a good candidate for her interest. Such things matter to girls and their parents.

How do you politely ask someone’s age?

When asking about someone’s age, it’s better to avoid the direct question, How old are you? Instead, you can politely ask: Do you mind if I ask how old you are?

How old are u meaning?

Phrase. How old are you? Asks the interlocutor to give his or her age. … (impolite) Used to question the mental age (maturity) of the interlocutor.

Why do guys ask for your age?

So, if a guy asks you your age, he’s asking for the same reason he asked you your name. He just wants to know more about you. That is it! The second reason a guy would ask you your age is so that he can understand you better.