Quick Answer: Why Do Borderlines Abandon?

Do borderlines blame others?

Borderline HCPs make a fundamental mistake about the cause of their problems.

They think it’s the fault of a specific other person.

They truly do not see their part in contributing to or primarily causing their own problems in life..

Do borderlines get obsessed?

When a person with BPD senses a shift in their partner’s feelings, whether real or imagined, they may immediately withdraw. They can become angry and hurt over something a person without BPD would not react to. They can even become obsessive. These emotional switchbacks can be difficult to handle.

What’s worse BPD or bipolar?

Although self-harm is less common in people with bipolar disorder than those with BPD, the suicide attempt rate is higher. Unstable relationships: Many people with BPD have very intense, conflict-riddled relationships.

Do borderlines like being alone?

Borderline personality disorder is characterized by poor self-image, a feeling of emptiness, and great difficulty coping with being alone. People with this disorder have highly reactive and intense moods, and unstable relationships. Their behavior can be impulsive.

Do borderlines isolate themselves?

A person with BPD will tend to isolate themselves from the very people that are there to support and help them – it takes an understanding, well-informed, and compassionate support system to maintain relationships at times of greatest turmoil and need during a person’s struggle with BPD.

Can a person with BPD fall in love?

People with BPD tend to have relationships that are intense and short-lived. You may fall in love quickly, believing that each new person is the one who will make you feel whole, only to be quickly disappointed. Your relationships either seem perfect or horrible, without any middle ground.

Why do borderlines say hurtful things?

The destructive and hurtful behaviors are a reaction to deep emotional pain. In other words, they’re not about you. When your loved one does or says something hurtful towards you, understand that the behavior is motivated by the desire to stop the pain they are experiencing; it’s rarely deliberate.

Can someone with BPD ever be happy?

This person says it exactly right — people with BPD have very intense emotions that can last from a few hours to even a few days, and can change very quickly. For example, we can go from feeling very happy to suddenly feeling very low and sad.

How do borderlines think?

People with BPD also have a tendency to think in extremes, a phenomenon called “dichotomous” or “black-or-white” thinking. 2 People with BPD often struggle to see the complexity in people and situations and are unable to recognize that things are often not either perfect or horrible, but are something in between.

Why do borderlines leave suddenly?

In essence, people with BPD are often terrified that others will leave them. However, they can also shift suddenly to feeling smothered and fearful of intimacy, which leads them to withdraw from relationships.

Why do borderlines fear abandonment?

People with borderline personality disorder fear abandonment, partly because they do not want to be alone. Sometimes they feel that they do not exist at all, often when they do not have someone who cares for them.

Why do borderlines devalue?

It’s done subconsciously as a way to protect themselves from perceived stress. In borderline personality disorder, devaluation often alternates with idealization.

Do borderlines use Gaslighting?

Gaslighting behavior can often be tied to several personality disorders, but not all gaslighters have a mental disorder. Those with narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder (sociopaths), and psychopaths are prone to gaslighting behavior.

Are borderlines immature?

A person with BPD may appear to be emotionally immature because they often expect others to put their needs first. They’re frequently emotionally dependent on others and may appear to be trying to manipulate others to give them their way by inappropriate emotional reactions or acting out.

Do borderlines ever regret?

Often it seems as though there is no remorse or regret when someone with borderline intentionally, or unintentionally, hurt someone they love. They say cruel things, act in cruel ways, and can cause real harm to themselves or to others. When called on it, they will act with little remorse or regret.

Are borderlines attracted to narcissists?

The reason why these personality types are attracted to one another is they magnetise. Each one helps the other play out their individual drama by fulfilling their needs. In the case of the borderline sufferer, when they first encounter the narcissist, they see everything they are not and cannot do.

Are borderlines always angry?

Intense and sometimes inappropriate rage is a characteristic of borderline personality disorder (BPD). A person with this condition has difficulty regulating their emotions or returning to their baseline. Extremes of rage and other intense emotions may last longer than might be expected, from a few hours to a few days.

Are borderlines intelligent?

A person with this disorder can often be bright and intelligent, and appear warm, friendly and competent. They sometimes can maintain this appearance for a number of years until their defense structure crumbles, usually around a stressful situation like the breakup of a romantic relationship or the death of a parent.