Quick Answer: What Are Personal Principles?

What are the 12 core values?

The 12 Core ValuesHope.

To look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.


Ready to be of help or use to someone.


A particular burden of obligation upon one who is responsible.





Honesty.More items….

What is your philosophy of life?

1. My philosophy on life is that you should live while you are alive and you should give others that same privilege. We shouldn’t judge people for the choices they make, because we all make bad decisions. You should do what you want with your life, as long as it makes you happy and causes no harm to others.

What are principles and values?

Values are qualities or standards that govern the behavior of a person and principles are rules or beliefs that govern our actions. The main difference between values and principles is that principles are based on a person’s values. Thus, it is values that act as the foundation for principles.

What are the basic principles of public life?

Objectivity – Holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias. … Honesty – Holders of public office should be truthful. Leadership – Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour.

Why do we need principles in life?

Guiding principles help us stay focused on what’s important and keep in alignment with our values even when the herd is pushing a different way. They give us a foundation to stand on so we can say or do what in the moment might be unpopular.

What are some guiding principles?

What Are Your Guiding Principles?Be Organized. Organized minds are clear, and clear minds take action towards clear objectives, so get as organized and as clear as possible in your life and business affairs. … Be Dedicated. … Be Confident. … Be Appreciative. … Be Optimistic. … Get Educated. … Be Thrifty. … Be Sociable.More items…•

What are the 5 core values?

Five Core ValuesINTEGRITY. Know and do what is right. Learn more.RESPECT. Treating others the way you want to be treated. Learn more.RESPONSIBILITY. Embrace opportunities to contribute. Learn more.SPORTSMANSHIP. Bring your best to all competition. Learn more.SERVANT LEADERSHIP. Serve the common good. Learn more.

What are your top 3 personal values?

List of Personal ValuesAchievement.Adventure.Courage.Creativity.Dependability.Determination.Friendship.Health.More items…•

What are some personal principles?

50 Timeless Principles Every Person Should Live BySing Even When You Don’t Feel Like Singing. Some days there won’t be a song in your heart. … Take Up Another’s Burdens As Your Own. … Gain More Than Just Physical Strength. … Forgive Frequently. … Adjust Your Attitude Frequently. … See Inconveniences As Adventures. … Don’t Let The External Interfere With Your Internal. … Choose Happiness.More items…•

What are the 7 principles?

These seven principles include: checks and balances, federalism, individual rights, limited government, popular sovereignty, republicanism, and separation of powers.

What are your principles and values in life?

Values are beliefs, attitudes and opinions that people hold regarding specific issues. They are standards of behaviour about what is important in life. Integrity, kindness, compassion and honesty are examples of commonly held values. Values are also internal and subjective, and may change over time.

What are the 8 core values?

Some Types of Core ValuesDependability.Reliability.Loyalty.Commitment.Open-mindedness.Consistency.Honesty.Efficiency.More items…

What are personal values?

Definition. Personal Values are “broad desirable goals that motivate people’s actions and serve as guiding principles in their lives” Personal values are desirable to an individual and represent what is important to someone.

What is your personal purpose?

A personal purpose statement defines who you are. It reflects your passions and values. It provides clarity as you set goals. Your sense of purpose steers how you want your story to go. … A personal purpose statement simplifies your direction – your goals will either align with your definite major purpose or it doesn’t.

How do you define your own personal principles?

Creating your Personal Principles is basically identifying a set of personal values that have meaning to you and living in alignment with those values. This code needs to be one that you commit to live by and work toward fulfilling everyday.

What are the 5 principles of life?

THE FIVE GREAT PRINCIPLES FOR LIFE: Focus, Strength, Success, Wisdom, Responsibility Kindle Edition. This thought-provoking guide explores Focus, Strength, Success, Wisdom, and Responsibility as the five keys to achieving any goal.

What is the definition of principles in life?

life principle – a hypothetical force to which the functions and qualities peculiar to living things are sometimes ascribed. vital principle. causal agency, causal agent, cause – any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results. spirit – the vital principle or animating force within living …

How do you write personal values?

Target. Before you can write a personal value statement, you must define what is important to you. Make a list of important qualities, then rank the qualities in the order of importance. You will incorporate the top five to seven values into your statement.