Quick Answer: Can The Military Pull Mental Health Records?

What should I not tell my military recruiter?

Eight things your military recruiter will never tell you1: Free housing and healthcare isn’t really.

2: When you get out, the VA sucks.

3: You’re not going to do all the things you saw in the commercials, and if you do, you’re gonna pay for it.

3: Spoiler Alert: POGs win in the end.

4: Your time is not your own, even when it is.More items…•.

What happens if the military finds out you lied?

Lying to join the military is a fraudulent enlistment and can result in a felony conviction. Yes, you need to be caught in the lie, but that isn’t as difficult as you might think. … If you’re unlucky, you could be convicted of a felony, punishable by a $10,000 fine and three years in prison.

Can you lie about asthma in the military?

It can get you kicked out of the military. If you lie, you will probably get away with it, but not forever. If you go to a doctor, on base, in 3 years, and they notice you have asthma, the doctor may or may not make an issue of it.

Can anxiety get you kicked out of the military?

Anxiety issues, either current or historical, or panic, agoraphobia, social phobia, simple phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders, other acute reactions to stress, and post-traumatic stress are disqualifying for entry into the service.

What happens if you get diagnosed with ADHD in the military?

While ADHD alone does not disqualify a person from military service, the Department of Defense (DOD) places significant enlistment restrictions on individuals with an ADHD diagnosis and/or prior treatment with medication.

Can MEPS access medical records?

No one has access to your civilian medical records besides you. The purpose of MEPS is to get every detail they can from you. If you forget to mention something, they’d have no way of figuring that out. … But once your through MEPS and out of Bootcamp, no one will ever ask again and you’ll have all new medical records.

Does seeing a therapist disqualify you from the military?

No. Being disqualified from the US Military because of mental health issues usually requires a diagnosis of a mental health disorder from a psychiatrist. … Merely seeking treatment or counseling for issues that you’ve been dealing with would not disqualify you from enlisting in the Military.

Can you rejoin the military after being honorably discharged?

In general, an honorable discharge is the only type of discharge that you won’t need some kind of waiver for if looking to rejoin the military. … A reentry code of RE-1 is all clear for every branch but anything other than that may require a waiver or could make you ineligible for reenlistment.

Can MEPS pull Medical Records 2020?

The Army may not pull your medical records after MEPS if you do not have a prior history of medical problems or irregular test results. However, if you end up ill or injured after enlistment, the Army can pull your records to search for a pre-existing condition.

Why do recruiters tell you to lie at MEPS?

The family military expert instructs the applicant to “keep your mouth shut”. When they crack under pressure at MEPS or Boot Camp a lot of times they say their Recruiter told them to lie because they feel that will give them the best chance of recovering from their lie.

Can the military find mental health records?

Originally Answered: Does the military actually look up your records unless you mention something? They are unable to look up your medical records and know nothing about you unless you tell them. IF you choose this route, you have to maintain your “no” answers through MEPS and bootcamp.

Can you be a Navy SEAL with asthma?

Previously, any history of asthma was disqualifying, regardless of age. While medical waivers were sometimes possible, waiver approval usually required scheduling and passing a pulmonary function test. In the present day, asthma is only disqualifying if it occurs after the applicant’s 13th birthday.

Can you go to jail for lying at MEPS?

No. You can’t. They just send you home with an entry level separation. It’s not really negative, but if you lied, then they would classify it as Fraudulent Enlistment which will absolutely affect your ability to get a job with the military and bar you from reenlisting.

What happens if the military finds out you have asthma?

In almost all cases, if you currently have asthma you will not be able to join the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard. If you have or were diagnosed with Asthma past the age of 13, you may still be able to enlist with a waiver.

What will MEPS disqualify you for?

As mentioned previously, there are dozens of conditions that can disqualify you at MEPS. They include dental issues, eye / ear issues, hearing problems, and heart problems.

Can military pull civilian medical records?

The military is going to ask, and if you don’t divulge your complete medical history, it’s doubtful they’re going to look any further. You’re going to get a urinalysis as part of your enlistment, so they’ll find anything you’re taking if you’re still taking it. … If anyone knows about your past history, it will come out.

Do police look at medical records when hiring?

Yes. However, they will not generally seek former medical records, though you may be required to reveal any prior medical or mental health history.

What makes you unfit for military service?

Fitness and Unfitness Defined To be found unfit for duty, you: must have a medical condition that disqualifies you from fitness for service, and. cannot reasonably be expected to perform the duties of your rank and military career due to this medical condition.